Drunken Kitten - A Game To Make You Laugh In 2023

Pin on Funny Pictures of cat
Pin on Funny Pictures of cat from www.pinterest.com

What Is Drunken Kitten?

Drunken Kitten is an online game that will make you laugh in 2023. It is a fast-paced game that will have you addicted and laughing in no time! Your goal in the game is to make your drunken kitten as drunk as possible. You will be able to buy different drinks for your kitten and watch as they get drunker and drunker. It is a fun game that will keep you entertained for hours.

How to Play Drunken Kitten

The game is very easy to play. All you need to do is buy the drinks for your kitten, and watch them get drunk. As your kitten gets drunker, they will start to stumble around and act silly. You will have to help them out by guiding them back to the bar or to their bed. If you do a good job, your kitten will thank you and reward you with coins which you can use to buy even more drinks.

The Different Drinks Available

There are many different drinks that you can buy for your kitten. Some of the drinks will make your kitten drunk faster, while others will take longer. You can also buy special drinks that have different effects, such as making your kitten more talkative or sleepy. You can also buy snacks for your kitten to make them happy and keep them from getting too drunk.

The Benefits of Playing Drunken Kitten

There are many benefits to playing Drunken Kitten. It is a great way to relax and have some fun. You can also challenge yourself by trying to make your kitten as drunk as possible without them getting too sick. The game also rewards you with coins, which can be used to buy more drinks and snacks for your kitten.

Why You Should Play Drunken Kitten

Drunken Kitten is a great game that you should play in 2023. It is a fun and entertaining game that will keep you laughing and entertained for hours. You can also challenge yourself to make your kitten as drunk as possible and watch them stumble around and act silly. The game also rewards you with coins, which can be used to buy more drinks and snacks for your kitten.

Where to Play Drunken Kitten

You can play Drunken Kitten online. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. The game is free to play and will be available on many websites, such as Facebook and other online gaming sites. You can also download the game directly from the official website for free.


Drunken Kitten is a fun and entertaining game that will make you laugh in 2023. It is a fast-paced game that will have you addicted and laughing in no time. You can challenge yourself to make your kitten as drunk as possible and watch them stumble around and act silly. The game also rewards you with coins, which can be used to buy more drinks and snacks for your kitten. So, go ahead and play Drunken Kitten today!

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