Discovering Raccoon Dogs – All You Need To Know!

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In the world of exotic animals, the raccoon dog is one of the lesser known species. Native to East Asia, the raccoon dog is a fascinating creature. In 2023, they have become increasingly popular as pets, and consequently their habitat has come under threat. This article will explore the raccoon dog, its behavior, and its increasing popularity as a domestic pet.

What Is a Raccoon Dog?

Raccoon Dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) are a species of canine native to East Asia. Though they bear a resemblance to raccoons, genetically they are closer to dogs and foxes. Though their size and weight can vary, adult raccoon dogs are typically between 20 and 30 inches in length and can weigh between 8 and 20 pounds. They have a thick, soft fur that is generally gray in color with a mask-like marking around their eyes and a bushy tail.

Where Can You Find Raccoon Dogs?

Raccoon Dogs can be found throughout East Asia, including China, Japan, North and South Korea, and eastern Russia. In these countries, they inhabit a variety of different habitats, including grasslands, deciduous and coniferous forests, and even urban areas. They are generally most active in the early morning and late evening, when they can be seen foraging for food.

What Do Raccoon Dogs Eat?

Raccoon Dogs are omnivorous, meaning that their diet consists of both plants and animals. In the wild, their diet consists mainly of small rodents, insects, fruits, nuts, and eggs. When kept as pets, they can be fed a variety of commercially available foods, including dried kibble, canned wet food, and occasional treats.

How Do Raccoon Dogs Behave?

Raccoon Dogs are generally active and curious animals, and they enjoy exploring their environment. They are also relatively intelligent, and can be trained to perform a variety of simple tricks. They can be quite vocal, and they will bark, howl, and squeak when they are excited or disturbed. They are generally docile and friendly animals, though they can become aggressive if provoked.

Are Raccoon Dogs Suitable as Pets?

In recent years, Raccoon Dogs have become increasingly popular as pets. They are relatively low maintenance animals, and they do not require a lot of space or attention. However, they are still wild animals, and they require regular veterinary care and a stimulating environment. They can also be prone to some health problems, so potential owners should bear this in mind before taking on a Raccoon Dog as a pet.

What Is the Conservation Status of Raccoon Dogs?

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists the Raccoon Dog as a species of least concern, as it is widespread and abundant throughout most of its range. However, its habitat is increasingly being threatened by human activity, and the pet trade has caused a decline in the wild population in some areas. Conservation efforts are needed to ensure that the Raccoon Dog is not driven to extinction.


The Raccoon Dog is a fascinating creature that is native to East Asia. They are intelligent and playful animals, and they have become increasingly popular as pets in recent years. However, they are still wild animals, and they require regular veterinary care and a stimulating environment. Conservation efforts are needed to ensure that the Raccoon Dog is not driven to extinction.

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